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Your rights and responsibilities

What you can expect from Sett Valley Medical Centre:

  • You will be treated with courtesy and respect by all practice staff.
  • You can expect clean, comfortable premises, with good access for the disabled.
  • You can expect confidentiality to be maintained at all times.
  • The clinical staff aim to see patients within 30 minutes of their appointment time, but where there is a delay you can expect to be told by the receptionist the reason for this.
  • You have the right to information and are encouraged to ask questions about your health.
  • We take comments, suggestions or complaint about our service seriously and you will receive a prompt reply to any items you raise with us.
  • You can expect repeat prescriptions to be sent to your chemist of choice within 3 working days.
  • You will be kept informed of updates relating to the practice through the practice website and information within the surgery.
  • You can request to see the clinician of your choice – please note you may have to wait longer to see a particular clinician.
  • You can expect reviews of long-term conditions and repeat medication.

Patients’ responsibilities

  • Treat all practice staff and other patients within the practice with courtesy and respect.
  • If you are unable to attend an appointment please let us know with as much notice as possible so that we can offer it to someone else.
  • You have a responsibility not to delay other people from seeing the clinical staff by keeping to your appointment time. Arriving five minutes before your appointment time is fine. If you are late you may be asked to rebook your appointment.
  • A home visit should only be requested if you are unable to attend the surgery.
  • If you have multiple problems to discuss with the doctor please ask for a longer appointment. The doctor may only be able to deal with one problem in a 15 minute appointment.
  • Please be patient if the clinician is running late – it may be you who needs extra time on another occasion.
  • Ensure you provide accurate information about your health, condition and status.
  • You have a responsibility to keep your contact information up to date – please tell us if you change address, telephone number or your name.
  • Let us know your views – your ideas and suggestions are important to helping us provide a first class, safe, friendly service in pleasant surroundings.
  • Allow adequate time for ordering your repeat prescription.
  • Ultimately you are responsible for your own health and should work with us to keep yourself healthy and avoid ill health.