We are able to offer the majority of appointments face to face. We also offer a telephone or video consultation should you prefer not to visit the surgery.
There may be occasions when a telephone or video appointment is the only option required, for example if you think you have a contagious infection you will initially be offered a telephone consultation to reduce the risk of spreading infection and to protect other patients and staff members.
A face-to-face appointment can be arranged following the telephone consultation if required.
Booking an appointment
When making an appointment, you will be asked to give a brief description of your ailment so that we can provide you with the most suitable appointment available with the best member of the medical team. If you have more than 1 problem, please let the receptionist know at the time of booking as we may need to book you a longer appointment, or multiple appointments as our clinical team can only guarantee being able to deal with one problem per appointment. Our reception team are trained in which members of the medical team are best able to support the different ailments patients have. Please note this may not be a doctor.
As new roles are added to the Practice team, our aim is to ensure that patients see the right person first time thus avoiding you having to undertake multiple visits.
Please see our staffing pages for details about the different members of our team.
There are several ways in which you can book appointments:
Urgent appointments
To request an urgent appointment for today or tomorrow (Monday to Friday) during opening times:
- phone us on New Mills Surgery 01663 743483 or Hayfield Surgery 01663 743483
- visit the surgery in person
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use your answers to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or healthcare professional to help you.
Routine appointments
To request a routine appointment in advance during opening times:
- phone us on New Mills Surgery 01663 743483 or Hayfield Surgery 01663 743483
- visit the surgery in person
- use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App) or Patient Access to book an appointment, screening test or vaccination
- you may be sent a text message inviting you to book for some appointments, including blood tests, long term condition reviews and vaccinations. Should you have any issues with the link, please phone us on New Mills Surgery 01663 743483 or Hayfield Surgery 01663 743483 during our normal opening hours
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use your answers to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or healthcare professional to help you.
Get medical advice from a doctor or nurse
To ask a non-urgent medical question:
- fill out an ask a doctor a question form
- fill out an ask a nurse a question form
We will respond within 2 working days during opening times.
Extended hours
Patients are able to access appointments Monday to Friday up to 8pm every night at surgeries across the High Peak area.
For full details visit our opening hours.
Saturday and public holidays
Saturday and public holiday appointments are available at New Mills Clinic and Buxton Minor Injuries Unit. To book an appointment, please ring the surgery on 01663 743483.
Your appointment
However you choose to contact us, we may offer you a consultation:
- by phone
- face to face at the surgery
- on a video call
- by text or email
Appointments by phone, video call or by text or email can be more flexible and often means you get help sooner.
Cancelling an appointment
We understand that circumstances can change and patients are unable to attend their allotted appointment therefore should you wish to cancel an appointment please can you let us know as soon as possible so that frees up that time for any other patients.
You can cancel your appointment in any of the following ways:
- use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
- via text message by responding to the reminder message which you receive
- phone us on New Mills Surgery 01663 743483 or Hayfield Surgery 01663 743483 during opening times
If you need help when we are closed
If you require an urgent appointment when the surgery is closed and cannot wait until we are next open, you can access out of hours care.
You have three options:
- call the NHS 111 service. If you call the surgery and we are closed, your call will be redirected here.
- visit the New Mills Clinic, opposite Sett Valley Medical Centre’s New Mills surgery. It is open between 6pm and 10pm weekdays and 9am to 10pm at weekends.
- call 999 in a case of emergency, chest pains or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
If you need help with your appointment
Please tell us:
- if there’s a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer to respond
- if you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone, face-to-face, by video call or by text or email
- if you need an interpreter
- if you have any other access or communication needs
Urgent appointments
The surgery offers facilities for patients to be seen urgently as an emergency. However, these same day appointments are for emergency / urgent cases only where patients are at direct risk to their health.
If you book a same day urgent appointment please attend promptly.
Call 999 in a medical emergency rather than seeing your GP– when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
Medical emergencies can include:
- severe chest pain or suspect a heart attack
- breathing difficulties or acute shortness of breath
- loss of consciousness
- heavy blood loss or severe bleeding
- fits that are not stopping
- severe allergic reactions
- severe burns or scalds
Sick notes or administrative tasks are not medical emergencies
Dental appointments
If you have an urgent dental problem e.g., toothache or a dental abscess it would be more prudent to see your dentist and not your GP as they are not specialised in teeth care.
You should contact your regular dentist and seek an urgent appointment with them. If they are closed you should contact the phone number left on their answer machine to access local dental emergency services.
If you have difficulties accessing them, please contact NHS 111.
Home visits
Home visits are only made for those patients who are housebound. Please call us before 10:30am and give us as much information as possible, to help us decide how urgently a visit is needed.
All visit requests will be assessed by a clinician before a visit is confirmed.
The Practice has access to the local home visiting service who may carry out the visit. This service is GP led with other healthcare professionals also visiting patients.
All details from a visit will be passed directly back to the Practice.
Home visits are not ideal, as it is better to treat someone in our well-equipped surgery, and a visit takes significantly longer than a surgery consultation